STL NPR interviews Cardinals Executive - and artist - Bill DeWitt at Square One Gallery

Last month, STL NPR stopped by Square One Gallery to interivew St. Louis Cardinals excecutive and artist Bill DeWitt III along side gallery partner Ted Collier to discuss his recent debut as an artist, his inspriations & motivations to publicly present his latest identity. 


“I think it's a bit of a random thing that maybe wouldn't have been expected, for sure,” he said. “That's true of, I think, a lot of people that have these artistic or creative sides.” - Bill DeWitt III


“I was so blown away because he's so, you know, typecast, for lack of a better word, as such a sports guy,”... “There’s a lot of people that you never would think in a million years would be someone that needed that creative outlet. And he's got talent, and it just needs to be exposed”  - Square One Gallery partner Ted Collier 


Follow the link here to read the full article and listen to the recorded interview. 

For more information on Bill DeWitt III and available works, visit his artist page. 




Aug 12, 2024